Meet Sergio Fedullo, CEO, President

Everyone’s economic and life situation is unique, Sergio will keep that in mind when providing financial advice. He believes that personalized service is essential when matching clients with the right financial products and services. As a Financial Advisor, he is dedicated to learning about your personal goals. Together he will use them to build a financial plan focused on your specific needs. He understands that clients are in different stages of life: you might be purchasing your first home, financing a child’s post- secondary education or planning for retirement. He believes a financial plan must reflect your personal or business situation, and so he will work to highlight the financial products that best fit your goals. Once your custom-tailored financial plan is in place, he will continue working together to review achievements against your stated aims, and ensure you are comfortable and everything is moving forward according to plan. If you ever have questions about your plan or about specific financial products, contact us. Sergio will set up a time to meet to review your needs and address any questions you may have.

Our Philosphy

To help our clients accomplish the great financial goals in their lives.

Life’s surprises and challenges typically have a profound impact on your financial life and challenge you with your most significant financial decisions. Wise choices at these critical times – and more importantly in direct contemplation of these events, can mean the difference between a comfortable, secure future for your family or one fraught with doubt and uncertainty. Our job is to cushion the effects of the critical financial events in your life through use of our Financial Advice Process. This system helps optimize the use of your dollars, minimize your taxes, and protect your assets from unnecessary risk and taxation so you keep more of what you have worked so hard to build.
Our Financial Advice Process provides direction and discipline to individuals, families, and businesses. Without this discipline, people typically make impulsive, random decisions: they buy this insurance product, invest in that hot stock, adopt the latest tax gimmick… the pieces seldom fit together. In fact, they may conflict with each other. Our Financial Advice Process integrates your assets with your financial goals and personal objectives, aiming to help you realize your most valuable dreams by motivating you to action.

We take the time to get to know you. We make sure we understand your dreams.
We use our experience, expertise and resources to help you achieve your dreams and goal

What our Clients Have to Say

There are events in life that we all know could happen, and when they occur, it is necessary to get the correct help and advice. I met Sergio after my wife passed away. Being in charge and responsible for two young teenagers make me think that I need a new insurance that would guarantee their future in case something happens to me too. Sergio provided me the professional orientation I needed. He presented me the best options in the market and answered all my questions regarding the option that I finally chose.
I fully recommend Sergio
-Fernando Enriquez, Oakville, ON-

Harvest Capital offered me a very professional service and solutions according to my necessities. I truly recommend Sergio.
-Edric Rodriguez, Etobicoke, ON-